I'm not a doctor and can only write from my own experience and the experiences I've collected from speaking to others. If you believe you have any kind of illness then please seek out help from a professional.
I started this blog as I wanted a place to write about help for halo wearers when my daughter had to wear one twice in 2014. Since then, I have become disabled and my daughter has ongoing problems. I am now using this blog to share our experiences throughout our journey through this life that has chosen us. You will find all kinds of information on our many conditions and ailments. We are zebras in the medical world, United here in our space on the internet.
Saturday, 8 May 2021
Stiff Person Syndrome, is There a Cause?
Sunday, 28 February 2021
Rare Disease Day 2021
After a year of misery and confinement we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Do we go towards it? We will, but with trepidation.
I have had my first vaccination, so has my husband and carer and our eldest daughter who works for the NHS. We are now feeling a little more safe, although we know that we could still get sick.
If you have a rare disease or condition, then you are even more at risk from the pandemic currently swarming our world. As someone who has a poor auto-immune system I don't know how my body would react to the Covid virus. It was a small anti-body that set my immune system into overdrive and caused all my problems in the first place. It has a name, the anti glycine receptor anti body. Because of that one little anomaly my body decided to attack itself and now I'm left in constant pain and wheelchair bound when outside my home.
My daughter has a less rare condition, Elhers Danlos Syndrome. But she doesn't have the classic version and we are not really 100% sure what she has. She has been diagnosed with a Marfanoid Body Shape, but so far no other indications that come with Marfan Syndrome. Although they will be keeping an eye on her as there can be complications as she gets older. She also has a rare form of psoriasis, which is not responding to treatment. She has slight scoliosis but not bad enough for surgery. She also has Autism, which I believe actually helps her to deal with all her other issues. I can imagine that life would be very different if she was a typical teenager.
So as people rush towards the freedom being offered, whether they take the vaccination or not is up to them. No one can force someone to put things into their body that they don't want. Some of us don't have a choice. And we need to stay away, and keep safe for longer because our risks are so much higher. We should all be thoughtful of others as well as ourselves.
Today, Feb 28th 2021, is Rare Disease Day.
Saturday, 23 January 2021
Stuck to the Kitchen Cupboard Like a Magnet
I have spasms a lot, I had one in the hospital while having my IVIG a couple of weeks ago. Thankfully, the nurse knew what to do and slowly massaged me back into feeling again. Today, I had a spasm which glued my forehead to the kitchen cupboard. Ha, it sounds funny, it looked funny, but it isn't really funny for me.
I knew I had a spasm coming, I get warning signs, dizziness, tingling, even a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. Over the years, I've learned to interpret these as warning signs. I should sit down, rest, try and stop the attack with mindfulness. It sometimes works. I had no warning at the hospital because I'd fallen asleep and woken up in spasm, these cant be prevented unfortunately.
Today's spasm hit while I was cooking lunch. I'd managed to do lunch for everyone and was about to make my own when suddenly the pain in my legs became too intense and I just couldn't hold myself up. I didn't want to fall so I leant against the cupboard, my forehead was resting against the door. But then then spasm hit and I couldn't move. I couldn't lift my head from the door, when I tried it moved slightly and then went straight back like it was pulled by a magnet. I had no control over the rest of my body and my head was holding me up by being stuck to the cupboard. How weird it felt, and looked. Luckily there was family around an my wheelchair fetched. My husband, Graham, had issues trying to get me off the cupboard, my head didn't want to move. My body fell back into the chair, but then he couldn't get my legs to bend onto the foot rests. I was stiff and unbendable. I guess that's why it's called stiff person syndrome. The stiffness is very real. One day, it won't go away. one day it will spread to my organs and they will become stiff and stop working. That day can just wait, I'm not ready yet.
Trust me, there have been times when I've wanted to bang my head against the kitchen cupboard. But it's not the same when it's not a conscious decision and my body just wants to do it for me. Losing control of your body is a scary experience. I don't think I will ever really get used to it.
Then there is the pain. I can't even begin to explain how it feels but it hurts.
I need to get my brain to connect with the rest of my body again and the best way to do that is to move. But I can't move so I need someone to move me. This is not easy for me or for the person trying to move me, but it has to be done. Eventually, my brain reconnects and I'm able to move again. I'm left exhausted and in pain.
This is such a strange condition, with strange symptoms. Even stranger is that because it's so rare it's hard to find someone who feels the same. Yes, we may share some symptoms but everyone seems to be different. I woudln't wish this condition on my worst enemy. I'm so grateful that it's not genetic and I won't be passing it on to my family.
Sorry For Not Updating Sooner but it's been a bit Poo!
Last week we finally got to see a consultant at the adult hospital to proceed with her treatment. Last year she was told she'd be refer...
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